
Frequently Asked Questions

  • Account opening
  • Services to IFA
  • Legislation
Can you open an account on scanned copies?

Accounts cannot be opened with Standard Bank Isle of Man Limited using scanned documentation. It is essential that you provide proof of your residential address as a certified copy. Suitable identification verification documents are:

  • Passport
  • Government issued identification card
  • Full UK, Channel Island or Isle of Man driving licence

It is essential that you provide proof of your residential address, either as an original or certified copy. Address confirmation is required for one person if the account is for a married couple living at the same address. Suitable residence verification documents are:

  • a utility bill (electricity, gas, water) that is no more than six months old (excluding mobile phone bills)
  • a Bank, Building Society or Credit Card statement from a recognised financial institution (excluding store cards) that is no more than six months old
  • a valid, full, UK, Isle of Man or Channel Island driving licence (if not used for confirmation of your identity).

Certified copies must state “Certified as a true copy of the original” and include a date, the certifier’s name, signature, position held and contact details (telephone number or email address). A certified translation must be submitted where the document is not in English. Please note a block will be applied to the account until original documents are received.

Can you accept a scanned copy of the application form to open an account?

No, we need an original signature on the application form so we can only accept original, hard copy forms to open an account.

Can my client be given their account number before the account is open?

Unfortunately not, as all due diligence documents (identification verification and residence verification) have to be received before we can finalise the account being opened and the bank account number being confirmed.

Can you open the account pending the missing information?

Unfortunately not, as all due diligence documents (identification verification and residence verification) have to be received before we can finalise the account being opened and the bank account number being confirmed.

Can you accept a lease contract as a form of address verification?

We cannot accept a lease contract as a form of address verification. Suitable residence verification documents are:

  • a utility bill (electricity, gas, water) that is no more than six months old (excluding mobile phone bills)
  • a Bank, Building Society or Credit Card statement from a recognised financial institution (excluding store cards) that is no more than six months old
  • A valid, full, UK, Isle of Man or Channel Island driving licence (if not used for confirmation of your identity)

Certified copies must state “Certified as a true copy of the original” and include:

  • a date
  • the certifier’s name
  • the certifier's signature
  • current position held
  • up to date contact details (telephone number or email address)

Important information

A certified translation must be submitted where the document is not in English.

Please note a block will be applied to the account until original documents are received.

It is essential that you provide proof of your residential address, either as an original or certified copy.

Address confirmation is required for one person if the account is for a married couple living at the same address.

Why do you need to know overall wealth details?

We need to know more about how you are going to use the account and where your overall wealth has come from because it is part of the Know Your Customer requirements of the AML/CFT legislation.

Will you market my clients once the relationship begins with Standard Bank?
All IFA introduced clients are ring fenced so we can guarantee that they will not receive Bank marketing communications.
When will my Professional Demand Account card be ordered after opening an account?

Your card will be ordered as soon as your account is opened and you should receive your debit card within 7-10 days of your account details being confirmed to you.

Whom do my clients contact once their account is open for general enquiries?

Please ask your client to call our Personal Banking Team on +44 (0)1624 643643 (Monday to Friday 07.00 to 17.00 UK time, excluding UK bank holidays), or via email; [email protected] or if you have online banking you are able to send a secure message to our team.

Can my client have a credit card?

Standard Bank Isle of Man Limited do not offer credit card facilities to clients. We do however offer the Optimum Account, a transactional bank account with a Visa debit card. 

Can I advise you of my client's change of address/ have access to their details?

Whilst introductions are made by the IFA firm, the client contracts directly with the bank to open and operate the account.

This agreement is subject to our General Terms and Conditions and to data protection rules.

Instructions must, therefore, be provided by the client to the Bank.

What compensation scheme is available for accounts on the Isle of Man?

Deposits made with Standard Bank Isle of Man Limited are covered by the Depositors’ Compensation Scheme as set out in the Depositors’ Compensation Scheme Regulations 2010.

Is there additional information needed for US Nationals?

Yes, because of the nature of US legislation we ask additional questions.

Please contact us for more information.